
Showing posts from July, 2017


SOCIO-POLITICAL CONFLICT IN THE MAJOR NOVELS OF ELLEN GLASGOW: A  SEARCH  FOR HAPPINESS A Synopsis submitted to A.P.S. University Rewa for the award of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in English BY: ABC SUPERVISOR : XYZ DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH GOVT. T.R.S. COLLEGE REW [M. P.] SYNOPSIS [01] Title of Thesis : Socio-Political Conflict in the major Novels of                                               Ellen  Glasgow : A Search for Happiness. [02] Introduction : Giving purpose of Research [ In about 200 words ] : Ellen Anderson Gholson Glasgow , born in Richmond , Virginia , on 22 nd April 1873, published her first novel,‘The Descendant’, in 1897, when she was 24 years old. With this novel Glasgow began a li...


  In the Indian context, emigration has been a continuous process. It has been taking place for centuries. Indian emigration during the 19th and early 20th centuries was unprecedented. Broadly three distinct patterns of Indian emigration are identifiable during the colonial period: (a)    Indentured labour emigration; (b)    Kangani and maistry labour emigration, and; (c)    Free or Passage emigration. New plantations, industrial and commercial ventures in European colonies created the need for large supplies of labourer. To fulfil the demand for cheap labour the colonial authorities introduced indentured system in India in 1834. Under this system some 1.5 million persons from various parts of the country migrated.             Indenture was a signed contract to work for a given employer for five years. During this period the emigrant was entitled to receive a b...


  The concept of diaspora has elicited unprecedented interest among academicians and has provoked divergent responses worldwide. How to define diaspora has been the subject of ongoing debate. Safran maintains that diaspora is that segment of people living outside homeland. Docker defines diaspora as “a sense of belonging to more than one history, to more than one time and place, to more than one past and future.” 1   Scholars like Brah, Gilroy, Stuart Hall and Phil Cohen are divided in their opinions on the issue of diaspora. Clearly, a working definition of diaspora is in order. Etymologically, the term ‘diaspora’ is derived from the Greek word ‘dia’ and ‘speiro’. ‘Dia’ means ‘through’ and ‘speiro’ means to ‘scatter’. The literal meaning of diaspora is ‘scattering’ or ‘dispersion’. The word ‘diaspora’ has often been used to describe the original dispersion of the Jews in the 6th century B.C. or to refer particularly to the Jews living outside Palestine amo...