Christina Rossetti is considered to be one of the important poets of English literature. She was a pre- Raphaelite poet. Like all other poets of pre- Raphaelite School of poetry, she was a true artist. Art was her religion. She followed the ideal of simplicity.
     Rossetti was born in London in 1830. She belonged to a talented family. She has a religious bent of mind. She lived the life of an ascetic. She loved a man but she refused to marry him because he did not share her faith. Thus she was passionately devoted to her beliefs.
     Rossetti's poetry is predominantly religious. Her personal faith is reflected in her poetry. She believes in Keatsian philosophy of' Beauty is truth, truth beauty'. She showed a lyrical gift, a pure sense of melody and remarkable power of versification.

     The thematic consistency of her work makes her poetry a composite whole. Death is an important theme of her poetry. In this context she can be compared with Emily Dickinson. Her most exquisite songs are of death. This theme of death makes her poetry monotonous but it is not gloomy.
     The longing for the everlasting rest and the vanity of earthly things are also the major themes of her poetry. But she possessed also a fanciful imagination and a love of the country. Most of her poems describe a charming world of fairies and nymphs. The merger of beauty and truth weaves the thematic fabric of her poetry.
     Rossetti's 'Spring Quiet' describes her love for nature. It deals with the spring season in all its freshness and tranquility. This poem is a fine example of poet's poetic style. It is full of simplicity, clarity and spontaneity. The images are familiar concrete.
     Thus simplicity, purity and spontaneity are the important features of her poetic style. Her style is simple and her diction is without fault. She avoided the conceits of Metaphysical poetry but she often recalls religious poets like Herbert and Vaughan.


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