G. M. Hopkins is a unique figure in the history of English poetry. He is a great religious poet and creator of an original poetic medium of his own. He has praised the beauty and bounty of nature as God's gift and a mark of his presence in he world.

Pied Beauty is a very beautiful poem by Hopkins. It deals with religious theme. It was composed in 1877. Then the poet was a Jesuit Priest. Like his many poems, Pied Beauty deals with the glory and greatness of God. Being a Jesuit Priest, Hopkins noticed unexpected beauty in Nature. This beauty impressed the poet. He praised God for it. He perceived Christ in the landscape, which inspired him to write sonnets as this one.
Pied Beauty is divided into two parts. In the first part of the poem the poet describes the pied or variegated beauty of nature. This beauty is described through vivid and concrete visual imagery. The poet mentions many dappled things as the skies, the rose, chestnuts, landscape etc. According to Hopkins such beauty is found everywhere.
The second part of the poem is magnificent. Here the poet praises God for his eternal beauty. He praises Him for creating all things, which are unusual, original and strange. The last line of this poem is an imperative sentence. Here the poet commands that for all such varied beauty we should praise God.
The present poem is representative of the poetic technique employed by Hopkins. It is a curtail sonnet. Its octave has only six lines instead of eight. Its sestet has only four lines instead of six. The octave deals with he fantastic beauty of Nature. The sestet deals with the praise of God for this beauty. This sonnet is written in sprung rhythm. It is remarkable for its imagery, effective use of sounds and striking syntax.
Thus this is a very beautiful poem. Here the poet has presented his love for Nature and God.


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