M.A. English I Sem. - Important Questions (Paper I - Poetry) for Higher Education M.P.

Important Questions (Paper I - Poetry)
Q01. Discuss John Milton as a poet.
Q02. Discuss John Miton's Paradise Lost as an epic.
Q03. Who is the hero of Paradise Lost? Discuss.
Q04. Give a character sketch of Satan.
Q05. Discuss Milton's grand style.
Q06. Discuss Valmiki as a poet.
Q07. Write the summary of Sundar Kand.
Q08. Justify the title 'Sundar Kand'.
Q09. Discuss Chaucer as the father of English poetry.
Q10. Discuss Chaucer's art of characterisation.
Q11. Discuss Chaucer's humour.
Q12. Chaucer's Prologue to the Canterbury Tales is a portrait gallery of the 14th Century England.
Q13. Give a character sketch of Pardnor.
Q14. Give a character sketch of Monk.
Q15. Give a character sketch of the Wife of Bath.
Q17. Discuss Coleridge as a romantic poet.
Q18. Discuss the major theme of The Rime of the Ancient mariner.
Q19. Write a note on supernatural elements in The Rime of the Ancient mariner.
Q20. Discuss The Rime of the Ancient mariner as a romantic poem.
Q21. Discuss symbolic significance of albatross.
Q23. Discuss Shakespeare as a sonneteer.
Q24. Write a critical appreciation of Shakespeare's sonnet No. 23 & 24.
Q25. Discuss John Donne as a metaphysical poet.
Q26. Discuss John Donne as a love poet.
Q27. Write a note on Donne's conceit.
Q28. Write a critical appreciation of 'The Canonization'.
Q29. Write a critica appreciation of 'The Good Morrow'.
Q30 Write a critical appreciation of Donne's Extasie.
Q31. Discuss John Dryden as a satirist.
Q32. Discuss Absalom and Achitophel as a political satire.
Q33. Give a character sketch of Zimri.
Q34. Discuss Alexander Pope as a satirist.
Q35. Discuss The Rape of the Lock as a mock heroic poem.
Q36. Discuss The Rape of the Lock as a social satire.


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