Primary and Secondary Stress: A note
Discuss primary and secondary stress. In linguistics, stress refers to the emphasis placed on certain syllables within a word or phrase. It is an essential feature of spoken language. It contributes to the rhythm and intonation patterns of a language. Stress can be categorized into primary stress and secondary stress. Both of them play different roles in word pronunciation. Primary Stress: Primary stress is the most prominent emphasis placed on a syllable within a word. It is typically marked with a vertical line ( ́ ) above the stressed syllable. In English, primary stress is usually found on one of the syllables in a word. It plays a significant role in determining the word's pronunciation and meaning. For example, in the word "elephant," the primary stress falls on the second syllable: e-LE-phant. Primary stress is important for distinguishing between words that are spelled similarly but have different meanings. Consider the following examples: Record (noun...