
Showing posts from September, 2024

Syllabus of UG I Year (B.A./ B.Sc./ B.Com.) : Foundation Course (English )

Syllabus of UG I Year ( B.A./ B.Sc./ B.Com. ) : Foundation Course (English ) A. Program: UG Level; Year: 2021-22; Session: 2021 Onwards Class: UG I Year (B.A./ B.Sc./ B.Com.) Subject: Foundation Course (English) Course Code: X1 –FCHB 1T Course Title: English Language and Indian Culture Course Type: Foundation Course Credit Value: 2 credits; Total Marks: 50; Pass Marks: 17 Note: This Course will be studied by all the students of UG level under the foundation course Category. Content of the Course Unit I Reading, Writing and Interpretation Skills: 1. Where the Mind is Without Fear – Rabindranath Tagore [Key Word: Patriotism] 2. National Education – M.K. Gandhi [Key Word: Edification] 3. The Axe – R.K. Narayan [Key Word: Environment] 4. The Wonder that was India – A.L. Basham (an excerpt) [Key Word: Indianness] 5. Preface to the Mahabharata – C. Rajgopalachari [Key Word: Indian Mythology] Unit II Comprehension Skill Unseen Passage followed by multiple choice questions

Syllabus of M.A. English SEM. IV- PAPER- IV (American Literature)

Syllabus of M.A. English (Semester- IV) – 2024 Paper -IV (American Literature) UNIT-I Annotations UNIT-II: (Prose) Emerson: American Scholar Thoreau: Civil Disobedience UNIT- III (Poetry) Emily Dickinson: Because I Could not Wait for Death, I Taste a Liquor Never Brewed, A Light Exists in Spring, This is My Letter to the World. Sylvia Plath: Daddy, Lady Lizarus, The Bee Meeting UNIT- IV (Drama) Tennessee Williams: The Glass Menagerie Edward Albee: The Zoo Story UNIT-V (Fiction) Earnest Hemingway: The Old Man and the Sea Steinbeck: Of Mice and Men

Syllabus of M.A. English SEM. IV- PAPER- III (Indian Writings in English)

Syllabus of M.A. English (Semester- IV) – 2024 Paper -III (Indian Writings in English) UNIT-I Annotations UNIT-II: Sarojini Naidu Kamala Das Note: All poems of each poet in V.K. Gokak ed. Golden Treasury of Indo-Anglian Poetry, Sahitya Academy. UNIT- III M.R. Anand: Untouchable R. K. Narayan: The English Teacher UNIT- IV Vishnu Sharma: Panchatantra ( Book I) Munshi Premchand: The Shroud (Kafan) UNIT-V Amitav Ghosh: The Shadow Lines Shashi Deshpande: That Long Silence

Syllabus of M.A. English SEM. IV- PAPER- II (English Language)

Syllabus of M.A. English (Semester- IV) – 2024 Paper - II (English Language) UNIT-I Morphology: Morpheme, Allomorph, Word Formation UNIT-II: Linguistic Analysis: I.C. Analysis and Ambiguities UNIT- III Phonology: Sound Sequences: Syllable, Word Stress, Strong and Weak Forms, Stress and Intonation. UNIT- IV Grammar: Sentence types and their transformation relations: (a) Statement (b) Question (c) Negative (d) Passive (e) Imperative UNIT-V Grammar: Word Classes: Noun Phrase, Verb Phrase, Adjunct Phrase, Syntax Coordination, Subordination, Relative Clauses, Adverbials,, Determiners, Article Features, Concord.

Syllabus of M.A. English SEM. IV- PAPER- I (Critical Theory)

Syllabus of M.A. English (Semester- IV) – 2024 Paper - I (Critical Theory) UNIT-I Anand Vardhan: Dhwani Theory Ferdinand Saussure: The Nature of Linguistic Sign UNIT-II: I.A. Richards: Two Uses of Language J.C. Ransom: Concept of Structure and Texture of Poetry UNIT- III F.R. Leavis: Literary Criticism and Philosophy J. Derrida: Structure, Sign, and Play in the Discourse of Human Sciences UNIT- IV Edward Said: Crisis ( The Scope of Orientalism) Basic Trends in Feminist Criticism UNIT-V Practical Criticism: It will contain two passages; One in verse and the other in prose for practical criticism following the technique as illustrated in I.A. Richards' book 'Practical Criticism' and David Daiches' 'Critical Approaches'.

Syllabus of M.A. English SEM. II- PAPER- IV (Prose)

Syllabus of M.A. English (Semester- II) – 2024 Paper - IV (Prose) UNIT-I Annotations UNIT-II: Boswell: The Life of Dr. Johnson ( From Everyman's Edition of Boswell's Life of Dr. Johnson, London: J.M. Dent 1958 Vol. I, Introductory pp 5-11) Addison: Choice of Hercules, Uses of the Spectators Note: In P.G. College Satna - Sir Roger at Church, Sir Roger at Home UNIT- III Goldsmith: The Man in Black Charles Lamb: New Year's Eve, A Bachelor's Complaint against the Behavior of Married People UNIT- IV A. G. Gardiner: On the Rule of the Road, In Defence of Laziness Robert Lynd: Back to the Desk, Forgetting, The Pleasure of Ignorance, I Tremble to think UNIT-V G.K. Chesterton: On Running after One's Hat, Patriotism and Sport Hilaire Belloc: On Books, On Preserving English

Syllabus of M.A. English SEM. II- PAPER- III (Fiction)

Syllabus of M.A. English (Semester- II) – 2024 Paper - III (Fiction) UNIT-I (19th Century Fiction) Flaubert: Madame Bovary George Meredith: The Egoist UNIT-II: (Rural Novel) Thomas Hardy: Tess of the D'urbervilles Premchand : Godan UNIT- III (Psychological Novel) Virginia Woolf: To the Lighthouse D. H. Lawrence: Sons and Lovers UNIT- IV (Naturalist Novel) Joseph Conrad: Lord Jim Hemingway: The Old Man and the Sea UNIT-V (Post Naturalist Novel) William Golding: Lord of the Flies Saul Bellow: Herzog

Syllabus of M.A. English SEM. II- PAPER- II (Drama)

Syllabus of M.A. English (Semester- II) – 2024 Paper - II (Drama) UNIT-I Annotations UNIT-II: (Restoration Drama) John Dryden: All for Love Congreve: The Way of the World UNIT- III (Victorian Drama) G. B. Shaw: Man and Superman Galsworthy: Justice UNIT- IV (Modern Drama) Ibsen: A Doll's House Brecht: Mother Courage and Her Children UNIT-V (Indian Drama) Girish Karnad: The Fire and the Rain Mahesh Dattani: Tara

Syllabus of M.A. English SEM. II- PAPER- I (Poetry)

Syllabus of M.A. English (Semester- II) – 2024 Paper - I (Poetry) UNIT-I (Pre Romantic Poetry) Thomas Gray: The Bard, The Progress of Poesy William Blake: On Another Sorrow, From 'Auguries of Innocence', The Poison Tree UNIT-II: (Romantic Poetry) W. Wordsworth: Tintern Abbey, Ode on the Intimations of Immortality. P.B. Shelley: Adonais John Keats: Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ode to Autumn UNIT- III (Victorian Poetry) Alfred Tennyson: Ulysses, The Lotus Eaters Matthew Arnold: Thyrsis, The Scholar Gipsy UNIT- IV (Symbolist Poetry) T.S. Eliot: The Waste Land W. B. Yeats: The Second Coming, Byzantium, Sailing to Byzantium UNIT-V (Modern Poetry) W.H. Auden: Strange Meeting, The Shield of Achilles Dylan Thomas: Fern Hill, A Refusal to Mourn the Death of a Child

Syllabus of M.A. English SEM. I- PAPER- IV (Prose)

Syllabus of M.A. English (Semester- I) – 2024 Paper -IV (Prose) UNIT-I Annotations UNIT-II: (Biography and Autobiography) J.L. Nehru: Autobiography (Fourth Chapter) Kamala Das: My Story (Fourth Chapter) UNIT- III (Political and Social Writings) Plato: The Republic, Book II (First Four Chapters) Bacon: Of Truth, Of Studies, Of Revenge, Of Love UNIT- IV (Philosophical Writing) J. Krishnamurti: 1. Individual and Society 2. Action and Idea 3. What is Self ? 4. What are We Seeking? Lala Hardayal: Intellectual Culture UNIT-V Bertrand Russell: True Success William Hazlitt: 1. The Ignorance of the Learned 2. The Indian Jugglers.

Syllabus of M.A. English SEM. I- PAPER- III (Fiction)

Syllabus of M.A. English (Semester- I) – 2024 Paper -III (Fiction) UNIT-I ( Early Prose Narrative) Bana Bhatt: Kadambari Cervantes: Don Quixote UNIT-II: (Picaresque Novel) Henry Fielding: Tom Jones Daniel Defoe: Robinson Crusoe UNIT- III (Historical Novel) Walter Scott: Kenilworth Thackeray: Henry Esmond UNIT- IV (Fiction by Women) George Eliot: The Mill on the Floss Charlotte Bronte: Jane Eyre UNIT-V (19th Century Realistic Novel) Charles Dickens: Great Expectations Zola: Nana

Syllabus of M.A. English SEM. I- PAPER- II (Drama)

Syllabus of M.A. English (Semester- I) – 2024 Paper - II (Drama) UNIT- I Annotations UNIT-II: (Non-English Drama) Sophocles: Oedipus Rex Kalidas: Abhigyan Shakuntalam (English Translation, Sahitya Academy) UNIT- III (Shakespearean Tragedy) Hamlet King Lear UNIT- IV (Other Shakespearean Plays) Twelfth Night The Tempest UNIT-V (Renaissance Drama: Non Shakespearean) Christopher Marlowe: Dr. Faustus Ben Jonson: Every Man in His Humour

Syllabus of M.A. English SEM. I - PAPER- I (Poetry)

Syllabus of M.A. English (Semester- I) – 2024 Paper - I (Poetry) UNIT-I Annotations UNIT-II: (Epic Poetry) John Milton: Paradise Lost Book-I Valmiki: The Ramayana (Sundar Kand) UNIT- III (Narrative Poetry) Geoffrey Chaucer: The Prologue to the Canterbury Tales S.T. Coleridge: The Rime of The Ancient Mariner UNIT- IV (Renaissance Poetry) William Shakespeare: Sonnets No.- 23, 24, 26, 27, 31, 44. John Donne: The Extasie, A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning, The Good Morrow, Love's Alchemy, The Canonization, The Anniversarie. UNIT-V (Satirical Poetry) John Dryden: Absalom and Achitophel Alexander Pope: The Rape of the Lock

Syllabus of M.A. English SEM. III- PAPER- IV (American Literature)

Syllabus of M.A. English (Semester- III) – 2024 Paper - IV (American Literature) UNIT-I Annotations UNIT-II: (Prose) Emerson: Self Reliance, The Over Soul UNIT- III (Poetry) Walt Whitman: O Captain, My Captain, Song of Myself : Grass, When Lilacs Last in Dooryard Bloomed, I Celebrate Myself. Robert Frost: Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, After Apple Picking, Birches, The Road not Taken. UNIT- IV (Drama) Eugene O' Neill: Mourning Becomes Electra Note: In Govt. P.G. College Satna: Hairy Ape UNIT-V (Fiction) Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn

Syllabus of M.A. English SEM. III- PAPER- III (Indian Writings in English)

Syllabus of M.A. English (Semester- III) – 2024 Paper - III (Indian Writings in English) UNIT-I Annotations UNIT-II Sri Aurobindo: Savitri (Book I- Canto I) Tagore: Geetanjali (Poems- 1 to 10), McMillan Edition UNIT- III APJ Abdul Kalam: Wings of Fire UNIT- IV Asif Currimbhoy: Valley of Assassins Badal Sircar: Evam Indrajit UNIT-V Anita Desai: Cry, the Peacock Arun Joshi: The City and the River

Syllabus of M.A. English SEM. III- Paper- II (English Language)

Syllabus of M.A. English (Semester- III) – 2024 Paper - II (English Language) UNIT-I Definition, Functions, Characteristics, Development of English Language. UNIT-II Language Varieties: Register, Style and Dialect Approaches to the Study of Language: Synchronic and Diachronic UNIT- III Definition of Phonetics and Phonology, Difference between Phonetics and Phonology, Organs of Speech UNIT- IV Phonemes, Allophones, Phonetic Symbols for Sounds in RP UNIT-V Basics of Transformational Generic Grammar: Nature and Characteristics

Syllabus of M.A. English SEM. III- PAPER- I (Critical Theory)

Syllabus of M.A. English (Semester- III) - 2024 Paper - I (Critical Theory) UNIT-I Natyashastra- Rasa Theory Aristotle: Poetics (Butcher's Translation) UNIT-II Longinus: On the Sublime Philip Sidney: Apology for Poetry UNIT- III John Dryden: An Essay on Dramatic Poesy Dr. Johnson: Preface to Shakespeare UNIT- IV Wordsworth: Preface to the Lyrical Ballads Coleridge: Biographia Literaria (Ch. XIII & XIV) UNIT-V Matthew Arnold: Essays in Criticism (Second Series) T.S. Eliot: Tradition and Individual Talent

Syllabus of MA English Sem III - Paper I ( Critical Theory)
