Questions for CCE December 2024 - M.A. III Semester {English Literature)

Questions for CCE December 2024
Class: M.A. III Semester
Subject: English Literature
Paper I (Critical Theory)
Note: Attempt any two of the following questions.
Q1. Write a note on Aristotle’s Concept of Katharsis.
Q2. What according to Longinus are principal sources of Sublimity.
Q3. Write a note on Coleridge’s concept of ‘Fancy and Imagination’.
Q4. Write a note on Eliot’s 'Theory of Impersonality'.
Paper II (English Language)
Note: Attempt any two of the following questions.
Q1. Write in detail about the characteristics of English language.
Q2. What are the two approaches to the study of language? Discuss in detail.
Q3. What is Phonetics? What is Phonology? How are the two different?
Q4. Write about all the organs of speech.
Q5. Write in detail about Phonemes and Allophones.
Paper III (Indian Writing in English)
Note: Attempt any two of the following questions.
Q1. Give a character sketch of Savitri.
Q2. Write the summary of Wings of Fire.
Q3. Discuss Badal Sircar as a playwright.
Q4. Give a character sketch of Maya.
Q5. Discuss Tagore as a poet.
Paper IV (American Literature)
Note: Attempt any two of the following questions.
Q1. Analyse ‘Self Reliance’ by Emerson.
Q2. Discuss Robert Frost as a poet.
Q3. Write the theme of ‘The Road Not Taken’.
Q4. Discuss Eugene O’ Neill as a dramatist.
Q5. Write a short story of Huckleberry Finn.
Note: All the students of M.A. III Sem (English) are directed to submit their home-assignments between 10/12/2024 to 14/12/2024 from 12:00 AM to 03:00 PM. Every student has necessarily to present his /her home-assignments before the teachers of subject concerned. Separate answer sheet is to be submitted for each paper.


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