
Showing posts from January, 2025

A Fine Balance: A Review

A Fine Balance: A Review A Fine Balance is a fantastic novel by Rohinton Mistry, a notable writer. The theme of this novel is Indian land. Its setting is the mid-1970s of India. Its range is vast. It is a tale of the social and the political repression of humanity. This tale of repression has been presented with remarkable poignancy and honesty. There is a portrayal of India in A Fine Balance from various directions. It deals with India, its people, climate, cities, ethnicity, classes, castes and regional identities. It reveals the diverse and complex realities of India. In this novelist focuses his concentration on the criminalization of Indian politics. Here he beautifully presents the Indian political scenario during the emergency period. It is about the sufferings of the four major characters due to political interference especially during emergency period. A Fine Balance is the story of India of 1975. It tells the story of four Indians of an unnamed city during Indira...

Periods of English Literary History

Periods of English Literary History: English literature has evolved over centuries. Scholars have divided it into distinct periods. It's important to remember that these periods are not always strictly defined and that is why there can be overlaps and transitions between them. The following is a breakdown of the major periods: (A) 450-1066: Old English (or Anglo-Saxon Period) (B) 1066-1500: Middle English Period (C)1500-1660: The Renaissance - This period is often subdivided into four parts: a. 1558-1603: Elizabethan Age b. 1603-1625: Jacobean Age c. 1625-1649: Caroline Age d. 1649-1660: Commonwealth Period (or Puritan Interregnum) (D)  1600-178:  The Neoclassical Period -  This period is also subdivided into three parts: a. 1660-1700: The Restoration Age b. 1700-1745: The Augustan Age (or Age of Pope) c. 1745-1785: The Age of Sensibility (or Age of Johnson) (E) 1785-1832: The Romantic Period - The beginning date for the Romantic period is often d...

Family Matters: A Review

Family Matters: A Review Family Matters is a popular novel by Rohinton Mistry. It is based on Bombay life. It is set in the 1990s. The picture of Bombay after Babri Masjid demolition has been taken to portray in this novel. The plot of Family Matters is very interesting. It is the story of the personal struggles of a Parsi family that live in Mumbai, India. Through the lives of this family the novelist tries to explore the larger issues that Parsi people face. The entire novel revolves round the character of Nariman Vakeel. He is the protagonist of the novel. He has been presented as an elderly father. He is 79 years old. He suffers from Parkinson’s disease. The story of this novel deals with the problems concerning the caring of Nariman Vakeel in two branches of his family. Nariman had a deep love for a non-Parsi woman named Lucy. His family forbade him to marry outside his religion. His parents compel him to break his long lasting affair with Lucy. Under the pressure of h...

Family Matters: A Review in Hindi

Family Matters: A Review in Hindi Family Matters रोहिंटन मिस्त्री का एक लोकप्रिय उपन्यास है। यह बॉम्बे लाइफ पर आधारित है। यह 1990 के दशक में सेट है। इस उपन्यास में बाबरी मस्जिद विध्वंस के बाद बम्बई की तस्वीर को चित्रित करने के लिए लिया गया है। Family Matters का प्लॉट बेहद दिलचस्प है। यह मुंबई (भारत) में रहने वाले एक पारसी परिवार के व्यक्तिगत संघर्षों की कहानी है। इस परिवार के जीवन के माध्यम से उपन्यासकार पारसी लोगों के सामने आने वाले ज्वलंत मुद्दों का पता लगाने की कोशिश करता है। पूरा उपन्यास नरीमन वकील के चरित्र के इर्द-गिर्द घूमता है। वे उपन्यास के नायक हैं । उन्हें एक बुजुर्ग पिता के रूप में पेश किया गया है। वे 79 साल के हैं। वे पार्किंसंस रोग से पीड़ित हैं। इस उपन्यास की कहानी में नरीमन वकील का परिवार दो शाखाओं में विभाजित दिखाया गया है। यह कहानी इन दो शाखाओं में उनकी देखभाल से संबंधित समस्याओं का वर्णन करती है। नरीमन को लुसी नाम की एक गैर-पारसी महिला से गहरा प्यार हुआ करता था परन्तु उनके परिवार ने उन्हें अपने धर्म के बाहर शादी करने से मना कर दिया था। उनके माता-पिता उन्हें ...

Anglo- Saxon period (450- 1050)

Anglo- Saxon period (450- 1050) When the Teutonic ancestors of English people were living on the borders of the North Sea, English Literature began with their songs and stories. The three tribes of these ancestors, the Jutes, Angles and Saxons, conquered Britain in the latter half of the fifth century. They laid the foundation of the English nation. After that the early English literature started. This early English literature is called the Anglo- Saxon period (450- 1050) or the Old English period. The great and hidden life of the Anglo-Saxons finds expression in all their literature. According to William J. Long , their poetry deals with ‘their love of personal freedom, their responsiveness to nature, their religion, their reverence for womanhood, and their struggle for glory as a ruling motive in every noble life’. ‘The prose, unlike the verse, was not used as an emotional stimulant; it was for the most part educational’, says Rickett.

Where the Mind is Without Fear: MCQs

MCQ: Where the Mind is Without Fear Q.01. The poem ‘Where the mind is Without Fear’ is written by:(a) Rabindranath Tagore (b) Sarojini Naidu (c) William Wordsworth (d) Toru Dutt Ans: (a) Rabindranath Tagore Q.02. Rabindranath Tagore is a well-known poet from: (a) Odisha (b) West Bengal (c) Bihar (d) Kerala Ans: (b) West Bengal Q.03. Rabindranath Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in the year: (a) 1931 (b) 1921 (c) 1913 (d) 1945 Ans: (c) 1913 Q.04. Which of the following is an incredibly famous work by Tagore? (a) Shradhanjali (b) Gitanjali (c) Geetmala (d) Savitri Ans: (b) Gitanjali Q.05. When was Tagore born? (a) 1861 (b) 1862 (c) 1863 (d) 1864 Ans: (a) 1861 Q.06. Where was Tagore born? (a) Patna (b) Lucknow (c) Calcutta (d) Delhi Ans: (c) Calcutta Q.07. The national anthem of India 'Jana Gana Mana' has been composed by: (a) Tagore (b) Nirala (c) Sarojini Naidu (d) Aurobindo Ans: (a) Tagore Q.08. In Gitanjali there are: (a) 103 poems (b) 110 poems (c)...

The Selfish Giant (TEXT)

The Selfish Giant: Oscar Wilde Every afternoon, as they were coming from school, the children used to go and play in the Giant's garden. It was a large lovely garden, with soft green grass. Here and there over the grass stood beautiful flowers like stars, and there were twelve peach-trees that in the spring-time broke out into delicate blossoms of pink and pearl, and in the autumn bore rich fruit. The birds sat on the trees and sang so sweetly that the children used to stop their games in order to listen to them. "How happy we are here!" they cried to each other. One day the Giant came back. He had been to visit his friend the Cornish ogre, and had stayed with him for seven years. After the seven years were over he had said all that he had to say, for his conversation was limited, and he determined to return to his own castle. When he arrived he saw the children playing in the garden. "What are you doing here?" he cried in a very gruff voice, and the child...

The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde: MCQs

Multiple Choice Questions on The Selfish Giant by Oscar Wilde 01. ‘The Selfish Giant’ is: a. A play b. A poem c. A Story d. A novel Ans: c. A Story 02. ‘The Selfish Giant’ is a composition by: a. Robert Frost b. Tolstoy c. Ruskin Bond d. Oscar Wilde Ans: d. Oscar Wilde 03. The writer of the story ‘The Selfish Giant’ is: a. Tolstoy b. Oscar Wilde c. O. Henry d. Gorky Ans: b. Oscar Wilde 04. When was Oscar Wilde born? a. 1851 b. 1852 c. 1853 d. 1854 Ans: d. 1854 05. Where was Oscar Wilde born? a. New York b. London c. Dublin d. Moscow Ans: c. Dublin 06. ‘The Selfish Giant’ was first published in: a. 1888 b. 1889 c. 1890 d. 1891 Ans: a. 1888 07. ‘The Selfish Giant’ is included in Wilde’s collection of stories named: a. The Happy Prince and Other Tales b. Panchtantra c. Mansarovar d. Lamb’s Tales From Shakspeare Ans: a. The Happy Prince and Other Tales 08. When did the children go to the Giant’s garden? a. Night b. Morning c. Afternoon d. Evening Ans: c. Afternoon 09. Giant’s garden ...